Food restrictions after child birth

Being pregnant, getting a baby is so joyful. Being pregnant, delivering the baby, taking care of the baby is eventful but there are lot of pain, effort and time involved. While being pregnant and delivering the baby, mom's health undergoes lot of hormonal and physical changes which is very difficult to understand by men. Historically, there have been more normal (vaginal) delivery and in the recent decades we are also experiencing caesarian (surgical) deliveries. Both has pain and both needs good amount of recovery time for the mom to get back to routine. In each part of India we eat different food.. more Roti in the north, more rice in the south, more seafood in coastal parts. These were followed for several reasons and primarily due to availability/cultivation at their respective region. After the delivery of the baby, each part of India follows different food restriction and recommendation for the mom which will be helpful for her and the newborn. Most of these food restriction is to reduce any reactions in the body like - to avoid becoming heat, gas, cold.. and the recommendations is to enhance the capability in the body or make them better - to maintain the body temperature, increase fiber. These recommendations are strictly followed for ~45 days by when the mom will be almost recovered.

Usually the food prepared for the moms are with more fat, less spicy/hot, less gastric and fresh for each meal.. I am not an expert in this and don't want to recommend anything to the readers... there were several reasons why this was done and this has been proved to work. These days we hear/see doctors advising moms to have anything they want on the same day of delivery too. Lets see the reasons that our ancestors followed restrictions and do they applicable in current age..

* After the delivery, mom will be very very tired and don't want to mess up with her body anymore. Simple/easy to digest food is better to avoid any medication.

* Mom would have lost lot of blood and will require food that will help her to generate the blood soon.

* With lot of discomforts in her body, its better to avoid gastric food. Since the body is already very weak, upset stomach will make it worsen.

* While breastfeeding baby gets the nutrition and taste. Infant might not be able to handle flavors for a while.

* Helps smoother recovery by improving digestion, decreasing harmful effects.

* The physical tiredness of the mom and immune system of the baby remains the same at any decade/century. This is already proven and if we follow its only going to help. There are medications available for gastric or indigestion, but is it required will be the question we have for ourselves.

* If not 45 days, try out 30 days and slowly start the regular diet to ensure things are fine.

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